Theres no denying that Photoshop has played a huge role in how we consume content as a society. The effects it has are far-reaching and constantly changing, but is it for worse or better? As a photographer myself, Photoshop has become an essential tool that I cant imagine working without. However looking at the other side of things, Photoshop paints a troubling picture as a consumer. So what effects has Photoshop left on society, and is it detrimental to the future of our mental health?
Adobe Creative Cloud makes it easy with apps you can use to create your own meme from scratch: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Creative Cloud Express. All you need is an eye-catching image, a funny message, and either your laptop, tablet or smartphone and you're ready to get started.
People edit their photos to enhance parts of an image that arent quite perfect. A picture deserving the term “Photoshopped” will become completely unrecognizable from the initial photo. The problem is, this edited image is passed off as the real thing.
The standard for advertisers to promote a certain type of flawless of content is high. As a perfect example, sports advertising typically promotes a lot of unhealthy processed foods. You get photos of fit people eating Dorritos or drinking Pepsi when you and I both know thats not the way to get a shredded six-pack The lifestyle a brand builds around itself is what sells products and generates revenue.