The Dream Of Design
I once had a Dream
A Dream of Vision so Vivid and Bright
A Dream of Thoughts never wasted
A Dream of Purpose logic undebated
A Dream of Design reaching for the light
A Dream of Colors so varied always entwined
A Dream of Creation of which I brought to Life

About Me
My Dream
Hi I am Carson McNall and I am a Designer with dreams of one day becoming a videogame designer or another related career more specifically with a focus on the artistic side of things. however more recently I have found a interest in video design that I never expected to have.
My Skills
- I am great at and love to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
- I love Photography especially when it involves or the focus is the environment
- I know how to make a mockup of logos and websites
- I am somewhat skilled at drawing sketches of things on paper
- I know how to code websites in HTML and CSS with a small knowledge of Javascript
- I know how to use adobe Xd
- I know how to use Adobe Premiere pro
- I also know some Adobe after effects
My Weaknesses
- I will tend to ask a lot of questions
- I also tend to ask someone to repeat themselves if either I don’t hear them or I did not fully pay attention and forgot or I am just unsure if I remember what they said correctly
- I also tend to sometimes need additional help
My Strengths
- I am very honest
- If I get into a certain mood while working it is I won’t stop until I have to
- I am very kind as I try to help at least one person everyday
- I love to learn and gain knowledge
- I have a really creative mind
- I try to see the best in people when then are the center of conflict
Resume certifications and transcript
Sophomore project
What was the sophomore project
In the image provided I took multiple digital images and real life photos and combined them into a single image using photoshop the goal of the project was to create a project for my sophomore year that would show proficiency in my chosen pathway(Graphic Design).
Some difficulties encountered
The main difficulties I encounter during this project was deciding what I wanted to do for it originally wanting to do something with relation to videogames and after throwing out a few ideas I got some old toys and a camera and took some photos that became the silhouettes.

logo designs
What was the logo designs project
This project was about creating logos for two different clients rolling styles and the Social Stimulant. I ended up creating a coffee cup with legs for the social stimulant and a hanger on wheels for rolling styles.
Some difficulties encountered
During the end of the project I found out that I got the two people we did this for confused and ended up not getting the clients exactly what the wanted which was for the social stimulant to be more typography focused. While still creating these very good logos anyway I also found myself doing a lot more for one of them then the other in which I ended up creating a lot of variations of the social stimulant logo.
Car explode edit
What was the car explode edit
well this one is quite simple. the car explode edit is something I was doing as part of a larger project. the larger project was made for fun however this part was so good I gave it a spot in my portfolio. oh and it was done in Adobe after effects and Adobe premiere pro.
Some difficulties encountered
well there was a lot of difficult things about this one edit. such as it was my first time actually learning how to fully use some of the softwares functions such as pre-comp and also how to create and edit expressions all in after effects. as well as having to deal with the clips size and creating a mask over the car which took awhile but it was worth it.

Poster project
What was the poster project
this was a school project where we were given a few teachers to work with as clients to create posters for the doors to their classrooms I decided to do mine in a 3d software called blender.
Some difficulties encountered
One of the biggest difficulty encountered in this project was learning some new thing in order to be able to create things like clouds and also the space background to overcome this I watched some tutorials.
senior presentation project
What was the Senior presentation project
This was a group project and what was done here was that I was given the parts of the 3d model by another member of our team to animate and the result was this video this was done using blender
Some difficulties encountered
This was probably one of the most difficult of the projects I had done mainly because one I tend to work on a laptop and the large amount of vertices was beginning to slow down the device. second I had never really done alot of animation before this so I had to learn how to do certain things very quickly especially with the camera however i used my current knowledge and applied it to figure it out relatively quickly. finally the biggest challenge was trying to improve it with minor adjustment’s while waiting for a team member to get me the last pieces of the model.