what is wing off

wing off is a contest that will take place on saturday, june 17th, 2023 and is about who has the best hot wing recipe that was started as an infomal backyard grilling contest and then it grew to the size it is today. we are allways looking for new people to cook for us and this year it will be located at Julius M. Kleiner Park located at the North East corner of Fairview & Eagle Rd. the contest also will allow pets due to it being a puplic park unless your pet causes issues that harms our compition we wont ask you to leave or go to a differnt part of the park. if you want to eat some of the wings you will require a wristband ot obtain one you must pay 15 dollers before the event or 20 dollors at the event some the monney raised will go to supporting the Kiwanis Care Kits for Children program as this is a fundraising event so if you dont pay no wristband no wings.

the location